sâmbătă, 26 decembrie 2015

Top 10. Cele mai frumoase poze cu animale din 2015!

Astăzi vă prezint topul celor mai frumoase poze cu animale din 2015 postate pe site-ul 500px.com. A venit vremea unui nou episod din serialul cu fotografii, intitulat "Life in Pictures".
Care imagine vă place cel mai mult?

1. Wow!!! by Vadim Trunov

Wow !!! by Vadim Trunov on 500px.com

2. Namibia by Marina Cano

Namibia by Marina Cano on 500px.com

3. Steam and Dust by Greg Du Toit

steam and dust by greg du toit on 500px.com

4. Saying Goodbye is Never Easy

Saying Goodbye Is Never Easy by Dylan Furst on 500px.com

5. Now that you wake me up is better for you to start running by Alberto Ghizzi Panizza

Now that you wake me up is better for you to start running by Alberto Ghizzi Panizza on 500px.com

6. Eastern Bluebird by Connie Gifford

Eastern Bluebird by Connie  Gifford on 500px.com

7. Hi Human by Wolf Ademeit

hi human by Wolf Ademeit on 500px.com

8. Yoh! by Mark Bridger

Yoh! by Mark Bridger on 500px.com

9. Towards the Light by Viktoria Haack

towards the light by Viktoria Haack on 500px.com

10. Raindrops by Tanja Brandt

Raindrops by Tanja Brandt on 500px.com

Best of 2015: Top 10 Animal Photos by DL Cade
Copyright © 2015 500px. All rights reserved.

4 comentarii:

  1. Toate sunt superbe!
    Fiecare are ceva uman :))...joaca, asteptare, adio, pa-pa!, rugaciune, harnicie, se!,curiozitate, minune,adapost.

    1. Imi pare bine ca ti-a placut topul celor mai frumoase imagini cu animale din anul 2015! :)

  2. Minunate imagini! Mi-au adus zambetul pe buze!
