Simona Halep, numărul 1 WTA (Australian Open 2018)/ Photo Courtesy Australian Open
UPDATE - Australian Open 2018: Simona Halep a pierdut finala cu Wozniacki, noul lider mondial WTA, scor 6-7, 6-3, 4-6 (VIDEOS, HIGHLIGHTS)
Simona Halep, numărul 1 mondial, a învins-o pe germanca Angelique Kerber (16 WTA), scor 6-3, 4-6, 9-7, și s-a calificat în premieră în finala de la Australian Open, primul turneu de Grand Slam al anului, după meciul carierei disputat joi, 25 ianuarie 2018. Simona Halep va juca în finală la Melbourne 2018 împotriva danezei Caroline Wozniacki (2 WTA). Machidoanca este prima jucătoare de tenis din România, care ajunge în finală la Australian Open.
Felicitări, Simona Halep, suntem mândri de tine! Mult succes în finala Australian Open 2018!
VIDEO: Simona Halep vs Angelique Kerber Highlights | Australian Open 2018 Semi Finals | Eurosport
Simona Halep saved two match points before completing a sensational win against Angelique Kerber in the Australian Open semi-finals.
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by Eurosport (YouTube), 25 ian. 2018
Match point: Simona Halep vs Angelique Kerber (SF) | Australian Open 2018 VIDEO
Match point from the epic Women's Singles SF.
by Australian Open TV (YouTube), 25 ian. 2018
“I’m shaking now, I’m really emotional. I’m really glad I could resist and win this match."— #AusOpen (@AustralianOpen) 25 ianuarie 2018
- @simona_halep.#AusOpen pic.twitter.com/RwaW94focf
— #AusOpen (@AustralianOpen) 25 ianuarie 2018
Third Grand Slam final, first here in Australia.@simona_halep into the #AusOpen final, topping Kerber 6-3 4-6 9-7.#AusOpen pic.twitter.com/htdfkfATmB— #AusOpen (@AustralianOpen) 25 ianuarie 2018
— #AusOpen (@AustralianOpen) 25 ianuarie 2018
Two fighters 🙏#AusOpen pic.twitter.com/y8Mv1C2uBz— #AusOpen (@AustralianOpen) 25 ianuarie 2018
"I try to be very calm, but today was like a rollercoaster up and down. I didn't give up, not even a ball. I did it really well, and I'm really proud of myself actually."@Simona_Halep through to the final.#AusOpen pic.twitter.com/HGB8IP1QBa— #AusOpen (@AustralianOpen) 25 ianuarie 2018
"I try to be very calm, but today was like a rollercoaster up and down. I didn't give up, not even a ball. I did it really well, and I'm really proud of myself actually." - Simona Halep through to the final.
Simona Halep press conference (SF) | Australian Open 2018
Simona Halep has now made it into the finals at the Australian Open 2018, after winning her match against Angelique Kerber.
by Australian Open TV (YouTube), 25 ian. 2018
Bravo Simonei! Este chiar incredibila!
RăspundețiȘtergereMultumesc Cristi pentru sinteza ta!
Asteptam cu incredere finala de sambata dimineata la Australian Open 2018. Multumesc si eu, Suzana! :)