luni, 30 septembrie 2013

Fotografie de stradă. Street photography by Jerry Bei

Fotografii realizate de Jerry Bei în Sydney, Australia... Artă fotografică!

<<For you>>
For you - Sydney, Australia (Flickr)

Focus - Sydney, Australia (Flickr)

<<The Birdman>>
The Birdman - Sydney, Australia (Flickr)

<<Need help with Glasses>>
Need help with Glasses - Sydney, Australia (Flickr)

<<Two Asians & One Deutsche>>
Two Asians & One Deutsche - Sydney, Australia (Flickr)

<<The Great Dane>>
The Great Dane - Sydney, Australia (Flickr)

Submariners - Sydney, Australia (Flickr)

<<Rio Ferdinand>>
Rio Ferdinand (Manchester United) - Sydney, Australia (Flickr)

<<Happy Waitress>>
Happy Waitress - Sydney, Australia (Flickr)

Ms. Pink - Sydney, Australia (Flickr)

<<Out of Time>>
Out of Time - Sydney, Australia (Flickr)

Photo license: Copyright All Rights Reserved Jerry Bei

Street photography is an art photography that features the human condition within public places and does not necessitate the presence of a street or even the urban environment. The subject of the photograph might be absent of people and can be object or environment where the image projects a decidedly human character in facsimile or aesthetic. The origin of the term 'Street' refers to a time rather than a place, a time when people engaged with each other and their surroundings more publicly and therein the opportunity for the photographer. - Wikipedia

7 comentarii:

  1. Un superb rezultat al minunii tehnologice!

  2. Se cunoaşte mâna şi ochiul fotografului profesionist dar şi aparatul contează foarte mult! Excelente sunt toate fotografiile, Cristi, ... de revistă! Prima imagine m-a înduioşat profund, îmi place foarte mult, de asemenea imaginea 3 şi 4. :)
