Buon Natale, Merry Christmas, С Рождеством Христовым, Fröhliches Weihnachten, Joyeux Noël, Gleðileg jól, God Jul, Καλά Χριστούγεννα, Boldog Karácsonyt, Feliz Natal, Feliz Navidad!
Crăciun fericit tuturor vizitatorilor blogului meu şi celor care îşi fac timp să comenteze aici!
La mulţi ani!

Howard - Xmas decorations

Kim's Pics :) - All the best this Christmas season!! - Zurich, Switzerland

Andrea Nagy - Merry Christmas!

Zaparowana - Merry Christmas, Everyone!

Daniela - Santo Natale 2015

Immacolata Giordano - Buon Natale - Merry Christmas! - Verona, Italia

luisa francia - Fröhliche Weihnachten! - Lisbon/ Lisboa/ Lissabon

Rangi 52 - 2016 - France

Cathy McCray - Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree

Lee Kivi - Happy Holidays

GreG - Merry Christmas

Dave Curtin - Happy Holidays! - Melville, New York, United States

Teresa - Wishing all My Flickr Friends a Rocking Robin Christmas!

Hammerstein NWC - Happy Holidays to All my buddies and friends on Flickr - UK

Gervânio Guimarães - Merry Christmas!

Mart Bee - Merry... something. - Canada

nora - Merry Christmas!

Deborah Rigden - Merry Christmas

Fotos_Mariano_Villalba - Feliz Navidad - Valladolid, Castilla y León, España

Coleman Sheehy Jr - Merry Christmas! - Chesterfield, Virginia, United States

*Margareta* - Merry Christmas to you all!

Cheryl Wiens - O Christmas Tree

Michael Levine-Clark - Happy Holidays! - Blossoms of Light, Denver Botanic Gardens

David Glaves (ExeDave) - Merry Christmas & A Happy New Year! - Covent Garden, London

Marcus Beckert - Mary Christmas

derek slagle - Prisming Christmas Lights - Kansas City
Copyright All Rights Reserved. All photographs are the properties of the authors.
Corul "Învierea" din Foeni - O, ce veste minunată! (VIDEO, TVR)
Imagini din Arhiva TVR, difuzate la TVR Timişoara, cu Corul "Învierea" din Comuna Foeni, judeţul Timiş, condus de părintele Nicolae Strizu.
de la TVR (YouTube), 24 decembrie 2015
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