London, Big Ben / Fireworks, New Year 2016 / Image Source: Daily Mail
Am găsit pe YouTube aceste videoclipuri cu focuri de artificii spectaculoase din noaptea Anului Nou 2016, filmate în Londra, Sydney, Rio de Janeiro, New York şi Moscova.
Vizionare plăcută!
London Fireworks 2016 - New Year's Eve Fireworks - BBC One (VIDEO)
London 2016 Fireworks on New Year's Day.
by BBC (YouTube), 31 dec. 2015
Australia Welcomes In 2016 With Spectacular Display (Sydney)
New Year celebrations are in full swing, with Sydney ringing in the start of 2016 with a spectacular fireworks display.
by Sky News (YouTube), 31 dec. 2015
Rio De Janeiro Welcomes 2016
This year's Olympics hosts welcomed the new year with a dramatic fireworks display over Copacabana beach.
by Sky News (YouTube), 1 ian. 2016
New York Welcomes 2016
New York saw in 2016 with the traditional celebration in Times Square
by Sky News (YouTube), 1 ian. 2016
Festive fireworks light up night sky as New Year is welcomed in Moscow
New Year’s fireworks appear in Moscow night sky
by RT (YouTube), 31 dec. 2015
Photo Courtesy (See more): www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3380765/Crowds-dance-banks-Thames-wait-count-New-Year-midnight-display-featuring-12-000-fireworks.html
Pretty sky: Fireworks explode behind Big Ben to mark the start of the New Year in Central London shortly after midnight
Londra, Sydney, Rio de Janeiro, New York si Moscova au organizat focuri de artificii superbe de Anul Nou! Cred ca Revelionul 2015-2016 a fost mirific acolo, in acele locuri frumoase din lume!!