Sydney, Australia, Happy New Year 2016, Fireworks / Photo by Ah Yi
Am ales pentru postarea de azi, 2 ianuarie 2016, o fotografie superbă făcută în noaptea de Revelion, patru videoclipuri cu focurile de artificii de Anul Nou 2016 din Sydney, Dubai, Hong Kong şi Auckland (Noua Zeelandă), precum şi un filmuleţ cu cele mai bune momente surprinse în diferite oraşe ale lumii.
La mulţi ani!
New Year fireworks in Sydney, Australia (2016 VIDEO)
The skies over Sydney Harbour have been lit up to celebrate New Year's Eve as revellers welcomed in a new year
by The Telegraph (YouTube), 31 dec. 2015
New Year fireworks 2016: Watch Dubai's dazzling display
Despite a huge skyscraper fire in the city, Dubai celebrates the start of 2016 with an impressive New Year fireworks display
by The Telegraph (YouTube), 31 dec. 2015
New Year fireworks 2016: watch entire Hong Kong display
Victoria Harbour in Hong Kong was the setting for some of the most impressive New Year fireworks of 2016.
The seven and half minute display over the water of the famous city ushered in the change of year in some style.
by The Telegraph (YouTube), 31 dec. 2015
New Year Fireworks in Auckland, New Zealand
New Year celebrations are underway with New Zealand welcoming in 2016.
A fireworks display was held in Auckland as the kiwis became one of the first countries to start the New Year.
by The Telegraph (YouTube), 31 dec. 2015
New Year fireworks displays around the world
Countries across the world celebrate the start of 2016 with impressive New Year's Eve firework displays
by The Telegraph (YouTube), 31 dec. 2015
Image Source: Greg Vance Photography (Facebook) / Photo by Ah Yi
Care mai de care mai fain! :)
RăspundețiȘtergereImi pare bine ca ti-au placut videoclipurile cu focurile de artificii din Sydney, Dubai, Hong Kong şi Auckland!
ȘtergereFrumoase toate! Dar nu pot uita de #Colectiv.
RăspundețiȘtergereSunt foarte spectaculoase filmuletele cu jocurile de artificii din noaptea Anului Nou 2016 intr-adevar!
ȘtergereDe cate ori vad artificii ma gandesc cum poate OMUL sa aleaga frumosul in locul terorii.
RăspundețiȘtergereOmul este lup pentru om, dar mai ia uneori cate o pauza...