Alexandra Ungureanu - In The Middle Of The Night (piesa noua, single oficial, audio, 2016)
Alexandra Ungureanu a lansat oficial o nouă melodie de dragoste, "In The Middle Of The Night", pe YouTube miercuri, 6 iulie 2016. Piesa "In The Middle Of The Night" este produsă şi creată (muzică şi versuri) de echipa de compozitori Play & Win (Sebastian Alexandru Barac, Radu Bolfea şi Marcel Botezan) pentru Roton Music Romania. Alături de aceiaşi producători muzicali, Inna a cunoscut succesul internaţional.
Noul single a fost prezentat azi în premieră în format audio pe canalul oficial de YouTube Roton Music TV. Audiţie plăcută!
Alexandra Ungureanu - In The Middle Of The Night (Official Single) New Song 2016
Alexandra Ungureanu - In The Middle Of The Night (Official Audio) New Single 2016
Produced by Sebastian Alexandru Barac, Radu Bolfea, Marcel Botezan
Published by Roton Music Publishing
© & (P) 2016 ROTON MUSIC
(We can be together right here right now)
Tonight we watch the stars in the sky
We can run fast in the blink of an eye
Where we'll slow down in this rhythm of life and dreams come true
Don’t look back, I’m not fooling around angel
Sunshine every day of the life we can live life
We are feeling alive and dreams come true
In the middle of the night, the night
We are looking at the sky, the sky
We can be together right here, right now
Oh baby can’t you see what’s going on
Show me love oh baby right here, right now
We can be together right here, right now
We can fall into the rhythm of the night
Tell me if we make it right here, right now
Tonight we will be breaking the line come on
Stand up, place your hands in the sky
We can live life we’re feeling alive and dreams come true
Don’t look back, I’m not fooling around angel
Sunshine every day of the life we can live life
We are feeling alive and dreams come true
In the middle of the night, the night
We are looking at the sky, the sky
We can be together right here right now
Oh baby can’t you see what’s going on
Show me love oh baby right here, right now
We can be together right here right now
We can fall into the rhythm of the night
Tell me if we make it right here, right now
We can be together right here right now
Oh baby can’t you see what’s going on
Show me love oh baby, right here, right now
by RotonMusicTV (YouTube), 5 iul. 2016
Sursa foto (Photo Courtesy), coperta noului single oficial lansat de Alexandra Ungureanu - In The Middle Of The Night (new song 2016): Alexandra Ungureanu (Facebook) - www.facebook.com/AlexandraUngureanuOfficial/.
e super noua piesa Alexandra Ungureanu - In The Middle Of The Night!
RăspundețiȘtergereAlexandra Ungureanu - "In The Middle Of The Night" = HIT NOU in 2016!
ȘtergereNu sună rău deloc. :)
RăspundețiȘtergereAlexandra Ungureanu a dat lovitura cu noua melodie "In The Middle Of The Night". :)