The Amsterdams - Girl, You're Frightened (Ilegitim O.S.T.), piesa noua, video, single, 2016
Trupa The Amsterdams a lansat recent două melodii noi, "Arrows" şi "Girl, You're Frightened", însoţite de videoclipurile oficiale ale cântecelor pe YouTube în 28 martie, respectiv marţi, 5 iulie 2016. Muzica este compusă de către membrii trupei, iar versurile sunt scrise de Andrei Haţegan, solistul formaţiei The Amsterdams. MediaPro Music Entertainment a lansat clipurile pe canalul oficial de YouTube. Andrei Haţegan, Andrei Ungureanu, Augustin Nicolae, Ovidiu Bejan şi Chris Olsman alcătuiesc formula actuală a trupei din Bucureşti.
Noul single "Girl, You're Frightened" se află pe coloana sonoră a peliculei "Ilegitim" (2016), unul dintre cele mai provocatoare filme românești din ultimii ani. Videoclipul conţine imagini din filmul regizat de Adrian Sitaru.
Cineaştii Andrei Lupu şi Cristi Nedelciu au regizat clipul piesei "Arrows". Vizionare plăcută!
The Amsterdams - Girl, You're Frightened (Ilegitim O.S.T.) Official Video, New Single 2016
The Amsterdams - Girl, You're Frightened (Ilegitim O.S.T.)
Download / Stream: https://UMR.lnk.to/EternityForDummiesYT
The Amsterdams – Girl You’re Frightened (Official Video, New Song) 2016
Composed by The Amsterdams
Lyrics: Andrei Hategan
Mixed by Adam Whittaker @ BaldEnglish
Master by Dan Georgescu
Regizor: Adrian Sitaru
Imagine: Luchian Ciobanu
Asistent Imagine: Carmen Tofeni
Machiaj: Alina Samara
Producător: Anamaria Antoci
Montaj: Codrin Iftodi
Undo the hurt and let me out
Undo the curse, can do without
Follow me, discover my life
Under your skin I found a lie
Why would you hurt somebody's side
Follow me, discover my life
We'll do those things that make you go howling, howling
We'll do those things that make you , girl you're frightened
Don't be frightened, girl you're frightened right now
Girl you're frightened, don't be frightened, girl you're frightened
Right now
Why would you swear, why would you lie
Why would you kill somebody's time
Follow me, discover my life
I'm in a hole, send me the rope
I need a friend, don't give me hope
Follow me, discover my life
We'll do those things that make you go howling, howling
We'll do those things that make a change, girl you're frightened
Don't be frightened, girl you're frightened right now
Girl you're frightened, don't be frightened, girl you're frightened
Right now
How many reasons, how many lives, do you wanna look by?
What is the price you need to pay for not letting all out?
When was the last time you danced, when's the last time you cried ?
How's it all going down, is there something to fight?
If I need a hand from somebody, than you'd be that shake
So, tell me your name and let's both make this mistake
On top of the buildings we should now declare our thoughts
This is the first time I feel that we're using our hearts
(C) & (P) MediaPro Music Entertainment 2016
by MediaProMusic (YouTube), 5 iul. 2016
The Amsterdams – Arrows (Official Video) New Song 2016
The Amsterdams – Arrows (Official Video, New Single 2016)
Stream / Download / Listen: https://umusic.lnk.to/ArrowsYT
The Amsterdams:
Andrei Hategan (voice, guitar)
Andrei Ungureanu (guitar)
Augustin Nicolae (bass, backing vocals)
Ovidiu Bejan (guitar, synth, backing vocals)
Chris Olsman (drums)
Music by The Amsterdams
Lyrics by Andrei Hategan
Produced by Alex Parker @ DeMoga Music
Mix & Master: Adrian Klein @ DeMoga Music
"Credits" video team Arrows:
Producer - Sorin Cucu
Directors - Andrei Lupu, Cristi Nedelciu
Director of Photography - Andrei Lupu
Production Assistant - Adrian Pancescu
First Assistant - Catalin Cazacu
Edit & Color Grading - Mihai Dragolea
Script - Andrei Hategan, Cristi Nedelciu
Grip & Lights - Alexandru Bengescu (Bengy)
Archer: Cosmin Buzuloiu
Special thanks: Pusha, Eliza Munteanu, Robert Gabriel, Ada Lungu, Dan Burciu
Camera & Lights - Blackhat Production (www.blackhat.ro)
A Creative Division Production
We got a strong bow soothing everyone
We are the strong ones cooling everyone
We got a strong bow aiming everyone
We are the good ones freeing everyone else
Our friends got lost
In the land of strangers and ghosts
My world is yours
So try and keep it safe at the shores
Our end is far
But this won't change who you are
Arrows are led to apples on the top of your head!
We got a strong bow fixing everyone
Playing the fool's part when he's not around
We got a strong bow aiming everyone
We are the good ones freeing everyone else
Our friends got lost
In the land of strangers and ghosts
My world is yours
So try and keep it safe at the shores
Our end is far
But this won't change who you are
Arrows are led to apples on the top of your head!
Arrows are led (x4)
Our friends got lost
In the land of strangers and ghosts
My world is yours
So try and keep it safe at the shores
Our end is far
But this won't change who you are
Arrows are led to apples on the top of your head!
(C) & (P) MediaPro Music Entertainment 2016
by MediaProMusic (YouTube), 28 mar. 2016
Sursa foto (Photo Courtesy): The Amsterdams (Facebook) - www.facebook.com/theamsterdams/.
Frumos! Merci pentru postare, Cristi!
RăspundețiȘtergereMultumesc si eu! Imi pare bine ca ti-au placut melodiile noi lansate in 2016 de trupa The Amsterdams - "Arrows", "Girl, You're Frightened" ("Ilegitim" O.S.T.) si videoclipurile! :)
ȘtergereSuperb! Chiar mă bucur că mai avem asemenea trupe. Ce mi-ar place mai mult, ar fi să îi văd live, să facă și ei un turneu prin țară.
RăspundețiȘtergereMulțumesc pentru că ne dai posibiltatea să vizionăm asta.
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