a-ha - Under The Makeup (piesa noua, single oficial, 03.07.2015) Imagine: Facebook
Legendara trupă norvegiană A-ha s-a reunit şi a revenit în peisajul muzical cu o nouă melodie, "Under The Makeup", vineri, 3 iulie 2015. Piesa de dragoste va fi inclusă pe "Cast in Steel", noul album al formaţiei scandinave, care va fi lansat oficial pe 4 septembrie 2015. Cântecul "Under The Makeup" este primul single original lansat după o pauză de cinci ani de către A-ha.
Audiţie plăcută!
a-ha - Under The Makeup (Official Audio)
a-ha "Under The Makeup" (New Single) by UniversalMusicNorge (YouTube), 3 iul. 2015
LYRICS (VERSURI) - "Under The Makeup" - a-ha (New Song)
This is how it ends
each on our own
Unless we pretend
meanwhile our hearts turn to
shaped by wind
boulders slowly molded over time
here within
I want to see you
under the makeup
let all the worry
vanish away
I want to hold you
like it’s the first time
like you were still mine
If you wanted out
didn’t I let you go
If you wanted in
didn’t I make it so
It could be
tenderness escapes so easily
I want to see you
under the makeup
let all the worry
vanish away
I want to hold you
like it’s the first time
like you were still mine
I want to see you
under the makeup
let all the worry
vanish away
I want to touch you
like it’s the first time
like you were still mine
Words and Music: Paul Waaktaar-Savoy
Produced by Erik Ljunggren and Paul Waaktaar-Savoy
Mixed by Cenzo Townsend
Orchestral arrangement by Lars Horntvedt (from the band Jaga Jazzist)
Source: a-ha.com
UPDATE 13.07.2015. a-ha | Under The Makeup (Lyric Video)
a-ha - "Under The Makeup". From the forthcoming album “CAST IN STEEL” (September 2015)
by Digster Pop (YouTube), 13 iul. 2015
Sursa foto, coperta noului single oficial a-ha - Under The Makeup: A-ha (Facebook) - www.facebook.com/officialaha
minunata e piesa noua a trupei a-ha ! imi place mult muzica acestei formatii si astept nerabdatoare sa apara albumul nou
RăspundețiȘtergereCu siguranta discul va fi foarte cautat de fanii trupei A-ha, toata lumea vrea sa asculte melodiile noi.