Ellie Goulding este un personaj cu puteri supranaturale în noul clip "Powerful"
Trupa Major Lazer a lansat videoclipul oficial pentru noua melodie "Powerful" joi, 23 iulie 2015. Piesa, interpretată împreună cu Ellie Goulding şi Tarrus Riley, este inclusă în "Peace Is the Mission", al treilea album al grupului de muzică electronică. "Lean On" a fost primul single promovat de pe noul disc lansat la 1 iunie 2015.
Vizionare plăcută!
Major Lazer - Powerful (feat. Ellie Goulding & Tarrus Riley) Official Music Video
Director - James Slater
Producer - Chanse Fyffe
Executive Producer - Jamie Clark
Executive Producer - Hannah Clark
Production Company - My Accomplice
VERSURI (LYRICS) - Major Lazer - Powerful featuring Ellie Goulding and Tarrus Riley
Oh my my my what you do to me
Like lightning when I'm swimming in the sea
From the very first time we loved
From the very first time we touched
Walking on wires and power lines
When you put your body on top of mine
Every time that you lift me up
To the heaven and stars above
O lord of mercy im beggin you please
I’m feelin drained I need love
You torch me up like electricity
Jumpstart my heart with your love
There’s an energy
When you hold me
When you touch me
It’s so powerful I can feel it
When you hold me
When you touch me
It’s so powerful
There’s an energy
When you hold me
When you touch me
It’s so powerful
I can feel it
When you hold me
When you touch me
It’s so powerful
I couldn't leave if I wanted to
Cause something keeps pulling me back to you
From the very first time we loved
From the very first time we touched
The stroke of your fingers
The scent of you lingers
My mind running wild With thoughts of your smile
Oh you gotta give me some
You could give it all but it's never enough, no
O lord of mercy im beggin you please
I’m feelin drained I need love
You torch me up like electricity
Jumpstart my heart with your love
There’s an energy
When you hold me
When you touch me
It’s so powerful I can feel it
Oh I need it Oh this energy
It’s so powerful
I can feel it
When you hold me
When you touch me
Its so powerful
There’s an energy
When you hold me
When you touch me
It’s so powerful
When you hold me
When you touch me
Its so powerful
When you hold me in your arms
Burns like fire and electricity
When you’re close
I feel the sparks
Takes me higher, to infinity
by majorlazer (YouTube), 23 iul. 2015
Image Source: www.capitalfm.com
Foarte frumoasă! mulțumiri pentru postare, Cristi!
RăspundețiȘtergereCu multa placere! Imi pare bine ca ti-a placut cea mai noua melodie lansata de Major Lazer - "Powerful" feat. Ellie Goulding si Tarrus Riley in 2015! :)