vineri, 22 august 2014

MELODIE NOUĂ: Leonard Cohen - "Almost Like the Blues" (2014)

Leonard Cohen melodie noua 2014 Almost Like the Blues HIT YOUTUBE ultima piesa cantec pe noul album official single new song

Leonard Cohen a lansat oficial pe 19 august 2014 o nouă melodie, "Almost Like the Blues". Piesa face parte din viitorul album de studio al artistului, intitulat "Popular Problems", care va apărea peste o lună pe piaţa muzicală.

Leonard Cohen - Almost Like the Blues (Official Audio)

Music video by Leonard Cohen performing Almost Like the Blues. (C) 2014 Sony Music Entertainment. All text, images and photographs (C) 2014 Old Ideas, LLC.

Leonard Cohen - Almost Like the Blues (Lyric)

Music video by Leonard Cohen performing Almost Like the Blues. (C) 2014 Sony Music Entertainment. All text, images and photographs (C) 2014 Old Ideas, LLC.
LeonardCohenVEVO (YouTube)

Image Courtesy of Leonard Cohen -

8 comentarii:

  1. astăzi ai făcut un român fericit; pe mine; mulțumesc!!!!!!!!!!!! ador cântarea acestui artist.

    1. Cu drag! Imi pare bine ca ti-a placut cea mai noua melodie din 2014 a lui Leonard Cohen!

  2. Am tot amanat sa ascult aceasta piesa dar azi, daca tot se stramba cerul la mine, mi-am zis: de ce nu, daca tot o am asa la indemana?! :))
    Stilul ii este inconfundabil si-mi place de multi ani! Mi-ar placea ca fiul lui, Adam Cohen, sa nu "se piarda pe drum" si sa atinga macar performanta tatalui - despre care n-as zice ca chiar canta :)) dar suna fain! - dar ii lipseste acest timbru vocal :)
    Zi frumoasa sa ai!

    1. Nu poate toata lumea canta ca Elvis. :)) Leonard Cohen este in primul rand un interpret remarcabil. O zi faina!

  3. frumoasa alegere... un timbru inconfundabil, ritmuri ce transmit ceva special, o vraja.

    Un start bun în weekend!

  4. Legendarul, Leonard Cohen, nu se dezminte. A creat o melodie extraodinară, o interpretare aparte, unică, iar versurile ei sunt atât de profunde şi adevărate, că te răscolesc şi te sensibilizează până la lacrimi.

    I saw some people starving
    There was murder, there was rape
    Their villages were burning
    They were trying to escape
    I couldn't meet their glances
    I was staring at my shoes
    It was acid, it was tragic
    It was almost like the blues

    I have to die a little
    Between each murderous thought
    And when I'm finished thinking
    I have to die a lot
    There's torture and there's killing
    And there's all my bad reviews
    The war, the children missing
    Lord, it's almost like the blues

    So I let my heart get frozen
    To keep away the rot
    My father said I'm chosen
    My mother said I'm not
    I listened to their story
    Of the Gypsies and the Jews
    It was good, it wasn't boring
    It was almost like the blues

    There is no Gd in Heaven
    And there is no Hell below
    So says the great professor
    Of all there is to know
    But I've had the invitation
    That a sinner can't refuse
    And it's almost like salvation
    It's almost like the blues

    „Almost Like The Blues” - Leonard Cohen

    Îmi place foarte mult, Leonard Cohen, atât vocea sa, cât şi melodiile sale cu mesaje speciale. :)
